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Published: 06/02/2024

Corner Baths

What is a Corner Bath?

When considering a bathroom makeover or facing the challenge of designing a bathroom in a compact space, one question that frequently arises is: What exactly is a corner bath? This question reveals the potential for maximising space without compromising on the elements of luxury and comfort in your bathroom.


What Sets a Corner Bath Apart from Traditional Baths?

A corner bath, as the name suggests, is specifically designed to fit snugly into the corner of a bathroom. This innovative design is distinct from the more common straight baths that align against a wall. The unique shape of a corner bath not only serves as a space-saving solution but also adds an aesthetic appeal to the bathroom, offering a touch of elegance and luxury that many homeowners desire.

How Does a Corner Bath Maximise Space?

The primary advantage of a corner bath lies in its ability to create more floor space. By utilising the often-underused corner area of the bathroom, it frees up valuable square footage. This arrangement makes the bathroom appear larger and more open, which is particularly beneficial in smaller bathrooms where space is at a premium. But how does this spatial efficiency translate into practical benefits?

What Are the Practical Benefits of Installing a Corner Bath?

The installation of a corner bath brings several practical benefits. Firstly, it enhances the functionality of the bathroom by providing a larger bathing area without occupying excessive floor space. This makes it easier to move around and adds to the overall comfort and usability of the bathroom. Secondly, the unique positioning and shape of the corner bath can serve as a focal point, elevating the aesthetic quality of the room and potentially increasing the value of your property.

Who Should Consider a Corner Bath?

A corner bath is an excellent choice for anyone looking to optimise the use of space in their bathroom while not sacrificing style or luxury. It's particularly suited for those with smaller bathrooms, as it maximises the available area, making the bathroom feel more spacious and luxurious. Additionally, homeowners looking to add a unique design element to their bathroom will find the corner bath to be a perfect fit.

Are Corner Baths Available in Different Sizes and Styles?

The short answer is a resounding yes. Corner baths are celebrated for their diversity in sizes and styles, catering to a wide range of bathroom layouts and personal tastes. Whether your bathroom space is compact and calling for a snug fit, or expansive enough to entertain a more lavish setup, there is a corner bath designed to meet your needs.

For those working with limited space, compact models are a godsend, seamlessly fitting into the corner and freeing up precious square footage. On the other end of the spectrum, larger, more opulent models come equipped with enticing features such as jets, offering a spa-like experience right in the comfort of your own home. When it comes to style, the variety is just as impressive. From the timeless elegance of the classic quadrant shape to the sleek, modern appeal of contemporary designs featuring clean lines and sophisticated finishes, there's a corner bath to suit every aesthetic preference.

Can Corner Baths Accommodate More Than One Person?

This question is particularly relevant for couples seeking a romantic bathroom retreat or parents in search of a practical solution for bathing young children. The good news is that many corner baths are indeed designed with ample space, comfortably accommodating more than one person. This feature makes them an excellent choice for shared bathing experiences, adding an element of luxury and convenience to your bathroom.

However, it's important to note that the capacity of a corner bath to accommodate more than one person depends greatly on the specific model and its dimensions. Therefore, if sharing the bath is a key factor in your decision-making process, paying close attention to the size and design of the bath is crucial. Look for models that explicitly state their suitability for multiple users, or consult with a specialist who can provide guidance based on your specific requirements.

Corner baths offer a versatile solution to bathroom design challenges, providing both style and functionality. With a range of sizes and styles on offer, they can accommodate various bathroom sizes and personal preferences. Furthermore, the possibility of choosing a bath that allows for shared use further enhances their appeal, making them a popular choice for those looking to create a spa-like experience at home.

When considering a corner bath, it's essential to carefully assess your space, needs, and preferences. Consider the size of your bathroom, the desired style, and whether you'll be sharing the bath with a partner or children. With the right choice, a corner bath can transform your bathroom into a luxurious sanctuary, combining practicality with the pleasure of a relaxing soak.

Are Corner Baths Comfortable?

When it comes to selecting the perfect bath for your bathroom, comfort is often at the top of the list of considerations. A question frequently asked by homeowners and renovators alike is: Are corner baths comfortable? The simple answer is an unequivocal yes. Let's delve into the reasons why and address some common queries regarding corner baths.

What Makes Corner Baths Comfortable?

Ergonomic Design: The primary factor contributing to the comfort of corner baths is their ergonomic design. Many corner bath models are crafted with the human body in mind, featuring built-in seating areas that allow you to sit back and relax comfortably. But what exactly does "ergonomic design" mean in the context of baths? Essentially, it refers to a design that complements the natural curves and posture of the body, reducing strain and enhancing relaxation.

Moulded Armrests and Back Supports: To further boost comfort, corner baths often come equipped with moulded armrests and back supports. These features provide crucial support where it's needed most, allowing you to unwind in a position that's both natural and supportive. How do these elements affect your bathing experience? By ensuring that your arms and back are adequately supported, you can enjoy a longer, more comfortable soak without experiencing discomfort or fatigue.

Optimised Reclining Position: Another advantage of corner baths is their ability to offer a more relaxed reclining position. The corner placement of these baths creates a spacious interior, enabling you to stretch out and recline at a comfortable angle. Why is this important? A reclined position can significantly enhance your comfort level, allowing for a more enjoyable and relaxing bathing experience. It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day or to soak away the stresses of life.

Carron Corner Baths
Carron Corner Baths

Is Installing a Corner Bath Complicated?

When it comes to enhancing the aesthetic and functionality of a bathroom, corner baths have become a popular choice for those looking to add a touch of luxury and make efficient use of space. However, the question often arises: "Is the installation of a corner bath complicated?"

Why Might a Corner Bath Installation Seem Daunting?

The installation process of a corner bath can indeed present more challenges compared to fitting a standard straight bath. This is largely due to the unique shape of corner baths and the specific plumbing requirements they entail. The complexity of the installation process raises concerns about ensuring the bath is fitted correctly to avoid any future problems, such as leaks or structural issues.

What Are the Main Considerations for Installing a Corner Bath?

One of the primary considerations is the bath's shape, which often requires a more strategic approach to both plumbing and placement within the bathroom. The unconventional angles can necessitate additional adjustments to the existing plumbing layout, making it a task that might be beyond the skill set of a DIY enthusiast.

Furthermore, the positioning of a corner bath is crucial not only for the bath's functionality but also for maximising space within the bathroom. Incorrect positioning can lead to wasted space or awkward access to other bathroom fittings.

Why Is Professional Help Recommended?

Given the complexities involved, it's advisable to seek the expertise of a professional plumber or bathroom fitter. These professionals can ensure that the bath is installed correctly, with all plumbing requirements expertly handled to prevent any potential issues down the line. Their experience also allows them to advise on the optimal layout and positioning of the bath, ensuring that it enhances the bathroom's overall functionality and aesthetic appeal.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Professional?

Hiring a professional to install your corner bath brings several benefits. Firstly, it guarantees that the installation adheres to all relevant building codes and plumbing standards, which is essential for your safety and the longevity of the bath. Additionally, a professional can provide valuable advice on how to maximise the available space, potentially unlocking a layout you hadn't considered. Lastly, professional installation can prevent costly mistakes and future repairs, saving you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Maintaining and Cleaning Carron Corner Baths

Carron corner baths are renowned for their quality and design, offering a luxurious addition to any bathroom. When it comes to maintaining and cleaning these baths, it's important to consider the specific requirements of Carron products to ensure they remain in pristine condition.

Cleaning Your Carron Corner Bath

For general cleaning of Carron corner baths, it's advisable to use non-abrasive cleaners and a soft cloth, similar to the general guidance for all baths. This approach ensures the surface remains undamaged and retains its shine. Carron baths are made in Britain, reflecting a commitment to quality and durability.

Special Features and Carronite Baths

Some Carron corner baths, such as the Carron Monarch 1300 x 1300mm model, offer additional features like Carronite finishes, which provide enhanced durability and better heat retention compared to standard baths. Carronite is an advanced material that adds years to the life of the bath and is known for keeping the water warm for longer periods of time. If your bath includes such features, it's important to follow any specific cleaning instructions provided by Carron to maintain these benefits.

When cleaning models with special finishes or features, avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the surface or affect the integrity of the material. Instead, opt for gentle, pH-neutral cleaners and ensure thorough rinsing to prevent any residue buildup.

Tips for Carron Corner Baths

Regular Cleaning: To keep your Carron corner bath in top condition, clean it regularly with suitable, non-abrasive products.

Carronite Care: If your bath is finished with Carronite, take advantage of its superior qualities by ensuring proper cleaning and maintenance as per the manufacturer's guidelines. This material not only enhances the durability of the bath but also offers superior insulation, keeping your bath water warm for longer.

Jetted Baths: For Carron baths with jets or whirlpool features, ensure you follow the cleaning regime recommended by Carron. This often involves running the system with a cleaning solution to prevent build-up in the jets.


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